Leadership Training
Leadership is Contextual.

There are tensions and paradoxes.
Endless paradoxes, mixed messages and tensions are thrown at today’s leaders. While traditional training either ignores or simplifies these tensions, we embrace them. By exploring the real tensions leaders face, we increase their receptivity to change and improvement.

Beliefs drive behaviors.
The current behavior of all leaders is driven, consciously or unconsciously, by a set of beliefs —beliefs that we know more than we do, that it is faster to do it ourselves, that it is our job to fix people… The list of faulty logic and incorrect risk calculations is almost endless.
Employees see the negative consequence of these beliefs – and the benefit of a set of beliefs that will lead to the right set of behaviors. It is imperative that these beliefs are explored head-on.
Most training is an endless loop of models and behavior skill training, which is why most training fails before it begins. Our approach is different – click on the examples below to see how:
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Leadership Training