Our Blog

We pride ourselves on staying up-to-date on the latest research and information available – so we are always bringing fresh, innovative and significant ideas to our clients. Immersing ourselves in the latest thinking, coupled with our vast experience in the industry, gives us a robust capability when it comes to effective learning design and delivery. We share our unique point of view through our blog.

The New 80/20 Rule: The Tucker Principle

The New 80/20 Rule: The Tucker Principle

The Pareto Principle, sometimes called the 80/20 rule, holds that 80% of consequences result from only 20% of causes. In the corporate world, this shows up everywhere from finance to manufacturing. It was first noted in the 1870’s by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto,...

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The Empathetic Leader and Emotional Contagion

The Empathetic Leader and Emotional Contagion

“Empathetic leadership.” “Leadership and empathy.” “Leading with empathy.” Since 2004, various combinations of these search terms have risen steadily — sometimes steeply — in frequency according to Google. This makes sense: in the current business climate, leaders are...

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Wrestling with Accountability

Wrestling with Accountability

In the fourteen-year history of JMReid group, one of the areas we've seen organizations wrestle with most is creating personal accountability. In the workplace, there exists a mythology that high accountability is what everyone wants: Leaders bemoan the “lack of...

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Leadership Gifts

Leadership Gifts

It’s that time of the season where giving and receiving of gifts is the order of the day. They say it is better to give than it is to receive. The people most likely to say this have gotten some really lousy gifts. Conversely, the people who may think it is better to...

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Are You Running the Right Race?

Are You Running the Right Race?

The middle of the fourth quarter never fails to create emotion. If you’re in sales, the time is spent both in an effort to finish strong and on identifying (or being told and accepting) your goal for the following year. The pressure to make the number is real,...

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Hiroo Onoda and The Curse of Loyalty

Benedict Arnold is a name you may recognize as America’s most famous traitor. He was a continental army officer who, thanks to his bravery and intelligence in such key battles as Fort Ticonderoga and Saratoga, attained the rank of major general before being placed in...

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Death of a (Macho) Salesperson

Death of a (Macho) Salesperson

Arthur Miller’s 1949 play, Death of a Salesman, features as its protagonist Willy Loman, a mediocre businessman and downtrodden soul. He’s also —spoiler alert!— the titular dead man, whose story is used to explore the social, political and moral facets of the American...

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The Problem With DEI in the Workplace

The Problem With DEI in the Workplace

Early in my career, the company I worked for mandated that each employee complete a DEI training, which consisted of a short video full of smiling, diverse faces, followed by some questions in the company’s virtual learning platform. This was a 20-minute time...

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