Making Meetings Work // Skills Programs
Learning Objectives
This hands-on six hour program is designed to provide participants with the mindset, skills and tools to lead and participate more effectively in meetings. It also increases the consciousness of the choices that meeting leaders make.
By the end of this workshop participants will be able to:
- Calculate the cost(s) of ineffective meetings
- Articulate the cultural attributes that support effective and ineffective meetings
- Identify the difference between content and process
- Create meaningful desired outcomes for upcoming meetings
- Articulate the role of a facilitative participant
- List strategies to prevent difficult behaviors/unproductive meetings
- Differentiate the effectiveness of various intervention strategies
- Assess tools for increasing audience engagement
- Agree to apply best practices to upcoming meetings
- Introduction
- Learning objectives
- Cost of meetings
- True cost of meeting
- Culture and meetings
Meeting Model
- Preparing, running and follow up
- Problem with meetings
- Process and content distinction
- Purpose drives process
Preparing for a Meeting
- Desired outcomes
- Agenda
- Difficult behaviors
- Preventions
- Preparation checklist
Running a Meeting
- Context is king
- Conversation model
- Engaging participants
- Checking for understanding
- Common difficulties
- Intervention strategies
- Use of action decision log
- Assessing meeting effectiveness
Follow Up
- Checking in
Wrap Up
- Change the meeting, change the culture