Trust: A Salesperson’s Ultimate Blindspot

Trust: A Salesperson’s Ultimate Blindspot

The following is adapted from Moving from Models to Mindsets. In business, trust is everything. Customers assess your behavior one way if they trust you, and another way if they don’t. If you talk about your products and services with a customer who doesn’t trust you,...
Being the Expert Can Be Risky in Sales

Being the Expert Can Be Risky in Sales

The following is adapted from Moving from Models to Mindsets.   Having deep expertise in your products along with great confidence about this knowledge is a source of strength for any salesperson. However, having expertise and “being the expert” are different,...

Why Staying Curious Can Help You Win Sales

Preschool kids ask their parents an average of 100 questions a day. By middle school, they’ve basically stopped asking questions.[1] Curiosity is a lost superpower.  So how does this happen? First, you’ve had terrible role models. When you were a kid, your parents...
Why Sales Is as Much an Art as a Science

Why Sales Is as Much an Art as a Science

The following is adapted from Moving from Models to Mindsets. Sales is both a science and an art. When working with sales managers, it’s a lesson we can’t emphasize enough. Too often, sales training methodologies, especially those regarding conversations for...