Beware of the Book First People

Beware of the Book First People

Many training companies begin with a book.  A thought leader, a researcher, someone with passion and dedication takes their energy and writes a book. They focus on dysfunctional teams, leadership principles or driving sales performance.  So far, so good. Then they...

Act like a Child

Go to any office in America and you will probably hear about the childish behavior of some co-workers. Managers will express frustration that their direct reports are acting like children. The implication is that acting like a child is a problem because a child...

The Challenge of Epictetus’ Epistemology

Trust is key to any organization’s success. We all recognize its importance. We want trust in our workplace: from our co-workers, supervisors, and clients. Most people consider themselves to be great models of trust. The truth, however, is that there is a gap between...

Liberating Structures

Have you ever felt like you work in a parallel universe? Perhaps you walk into the office and immediately feel like you have stepped into a poorly scripted episode of the Twilight Zone, where there seems to be an alternate reality in which passive-aggressiveness...