Upside and Downside of Optimism in Sales

As children, people would tell us we could either view the glass as half-full or half-empty. This point of view would then define how we look at life. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Just think of that half-filled (or half-empty) beverage and you have your answer....

Challenger Selling Revisited

If Peter Drucker is the father of modern business then Dale Carnegie is its savvy uncle. The one who seems to have loads of insight and income, though you’re not exactly sure where either came from. His book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” has taught...

Your Workplace Learner: tabula rasa?

Are your employees tabula rasa? In the 21st century marketplace, innovation and evolution are constant imperatives. The acronym VUCA (Volatile, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) has been coined to describe our current environment. Companies need to establish an...

JMReid Group Develops oneRIVER: Case Study

JMReid Group Develops oneRIVER: Case Study You Should Read This The client selected JMReid Group to re-design their oneRIVER program with the key criteria being driving a culture of accountability, contextual to the firm and highly engaging for participants. oneRIVER...

Design High

Stop feeding the lowest common denominator An old adage in the training world is that it is better to have a great facilitator and an average design than a great design and an average facilitator. Training buyers recognize this reality and spend a significant amount...