Be the Change

Be the Change

One of the most common things I hear from leaders working on ways they can be more effective is, “The problem is, the levels above me don’t work in this way. It’s very hard to implement these behaviors when the leaders at the top aren’t behaving this way.” The kinds...


It was nice to see a playful kitten with the spirit of Curious George on the cover of The Harvard Business Review about a year ago. My colleagues and I have long touted “curiosity.” From my perspective, curiosity is critical. It’s not just the backbone of...
It’s What You Believe, Not What You Know

It’s What You Believe, Not What You Know

Recently, I sat down for a group call with a potential client seeking a delegation skills program for their managers. Our conversation was going well. They liked our design principles, which include: context is king, there is wisdom in and out of the room and highly...
Power without Aggression

Power without Aggression

I have a memory from my early twenties, standing at a table in the New York City restaurant I worked in with a dirty glass in my hand, chatting with a customer. I don’t remember how we got to talking or even what our conversation was about but I remember this one...