by John Reid | May 3, 2023 | Leadership, Leadership Programs, Philosophy, Sales, Sales Programs
The Pareto Principle, sometimes called the 80/20 rule, holds that 80% of consequences result from only 20% of causes. In the corporate world, this shows up everywhere from finance to manufacturing. It was first noted in the 1870’s by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto,...
by John Reid | Mar 29, 2023 | Leadership, Leadership Programs
“Empathetic leadership.” “Leadership and empathy.” “Leading with empathy.” Since 2004, various combinations of these search terms have risen steadily — sometimes steeply — in frequency according to Google. This makes sense: in the current business climate, leaders are...
by John Reid | Feb 1, 2023 | Leadership, Leadership Programs, Philosophy
In the fourteen-year history of JMReid group, one of the areas we’ve seen organizations wrestle with most is creating personal accountability. In the workplace, there exists a mythology that high accountability is what everyone wants: Leaders bemoan the “lack of...
by John Reid | Dec 1, 2022 | Leadership, Leadership Programs, Philosophy
It’s that time of the season where giving and receiving of gifts is the order of the day. They say it is better to give than it is to receive. The people most likely to say this have gotten some really lousy gifts. Conversely, the people who may think it is better to...
by Margaret Southwell | Jul 7, 2022 | Leadership
Benedict Arnold is a name you may recognize as America’s most famous traitor. He was a continental army officer who, thanks to his bravery and intelligence in such key battles as Fort Ticonderoga and Saratoga, attained the rank of major general before being placed in...
by John Reid | Apr 1, 2022 | Leadership
Many leaders experience the day-to-day reality of being pulled in a million different directions, but this emphasis on doing what is right in front of us can make us forget what leadership is really all about: Leading. This is where the Strategic W can...