by John Reid | Dec 1, 2022 | Leadership, Leadership Programs, Philosophy
It’s that time of the season where giving and receiving of gifts is the order of the day. They say it is better to give than it is to receive. The people most likely to say this have gotten some really lousy gifts. Conversely, the people who may think it is better to...
by John Reid | Nov 8, 2022 | Sales
The middle of the fourth quarter never fails to create emotion. If you’re in sales, the time is spent both in an effort to finish strong and on identifying (or being told and accepting) your goal for the following year. The pressure to make the number is real,...
by John Reid | Aug 15, 2022 | Leadership Programs, Sales Programs
JMReid Group, the cutting-edge learning company, announced a second 2022 installment of their popular Showcase series to be held this October 18th and 19th. The event will focus on leadership and sales in the format of two, two-hour virtual sessions free and open to...
by John Reid | Jun 1, 2022 | Sales
Arthur Miller’s 1949 play, Death of a Salesman, features as its protagonist Willy Loman, a mediocre businessman and downtrodden soul. He’s also —spoiler alert!— the titular dead man, whose story is used to explore the social, political and moral facets of the American...
by John Reid | Apr 1, 2022 | Leadership
Many leaders experience the day-to-day reality of being pulled in a million different directions, but this emphasis on doing what is right in front of us can make us forget what leadership is really all about: Leading. This is where the Strategic W can...